Tuesday, May 8, 2007

We Be Bloggin'

Today we just spent 20 minutes checking out everyone else's blogs. Everyone in our class has such different postings! Some are just one sentence long, "today we talked about stuff." (To think that in comparison, I've been writing novels here!) Other people reflect on their life outside of school and work and Lehman and ESC 529. They talk about going to the gym and what they did on spring break.

Mine seemed fairly boring in comparison, all I reflect on is what we do in class. Oh well, no one other than my classmates who just read all the blogs would actually read this. Good times. It is a good summary of what we've been doing every Tuesday.

As a quick update, I submitted my webquest today! Also, I finished my part of the culturequest! AND, I narrated and submitted my digital story. I emailed it to my sisters and brothers so that they can see it too. We are winding down in this class!!!!


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